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Annual PrimeTime Christmas Party


PrimeTime Brewers

2024 Christmas Party, Potluck Dinner and Fundraiser 

December 15, 4:00-7:00 pm at Thornapple Brewing on 28th St

It's that time of the year that we gather to give thanks, enjoy each other's company and celebrate another wonderful PrimeTime year. This year we will return to one of our favorite places, Thornapple Brewing.


A slight change for this year's fundraising. For many years we’ve donated half the proceeds of our fundraising raffle and auction to a local charity, and this year we’ve decided to give our support to GRCC’s Craft Brewing Program which educates and trains potential craft brewing employees, so we will donate accordingly to their Scholarship Fund.

If you have agreed to help with this year's fundraising you should have been cc'd in an email from Ian to your chosen sponsor. Next follow up by reaching out to that sponsor and making arrangements for the sponsor's contribution. Then Let Ian or Mies know what you have collected. Please have this done by December 8th.

Are you planning to join us?

If you're planning to join us we would encourage you to let us know ahead of time so we have some idea how many to plan for. Here is our signup form, please fill this out when you have a moment.

Also if you have participated in local, state or national competitions and have medaled please consider letting the club know. You can fill out our form and we can add it to our Christmas Party slideshow.

We hope to see you there. 

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