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Kent County Club Competition


Hey there everybody. Just adding a quick post here about

an upcoming Homebrew competition, the Kent County Club Competition.

This beer competition is for the members of the three recognized homebrew clubs in Kent County. It is an opportunity to hone you brewing skills and get into some friendly competition with our sibling brew clubs Brewsquitos and Rivertown Homebrewers! It is also the third and final qualifying beer comp for the prestigious Beer City Pro-Am Competition!

Not only is there glory and prizes that come with the top 3 spots, but there is also the Club Cup. A travelling silver pitcher that is awarded to Club that gets the most aggregate points. So everybody enter to get our points up!

Here are the rules:

Kent County Club Competition 2021-ish

Date of Competition: 2022-Jan-29

Dates for Entry Registration: 2021-Nov-10 - 2022-Jan-28

Dates for Judge and Volunteer Registration: 2021-Nov-10 - 2022-Jan-28

Dates for Entry Delivery: 2022-Jan-03 - 2022-Jan-28

Entry limit for competition: 40

Entry limit per brewer: 1

Entry count: 18

Bottles needed for each entry: 2

Each entry must be brewed at home by a paid member of one of 3 clubs, Primetime Brewers, Brewsquitos, or Rivertown Homebrewers.

Here are the links:

Get to brewing!

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