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This is to resuscitate the ‘Rubber Chicken’ and a first cut at new communications to members. It’s going out by e-mail to those who’ve already paid up for 2023 (thank you) and a few recently active/past members (we’d love to have you back!) - initially as blind copies and eventually we’ll figure out if everyone is happy to share their details. If you are signed up to the club website you’ll probably get this twice, at least!


Every January we elect two of the four club officers for 2-year terms, the other two in alternate years. Greg Sanial kindly agreed to re-up as Treasurer and was elected unopposed. Ian Purvis was elected President on the retirement of Jeremy Gavin (alias DT) after six years of sterling service to the club. He will now slide gracefully into the President Emeritus role, displacing Eric Fouch one of the club’s founder members, who will hopefully slide somewhere nice! DT will continue to liaise with the Beer City Brewer’s Guild among others. Thank you DT, your ongoing efforts are greatly appreciated.

Mies Martin continues as Vice President. He’s responsible for the ‘Brewer Of The Year’ Competition and is a huge contributor to club matters behind the scenes.

Jesse Colclasure has reluctantly had to step down as Secretary due to health issues and the officers will select a replacement for the remaining year of his term. Watch this space. Get well Jesse, we’re all rooting for you and want to see you back, healthy and happy.

Greg provided a Treasurer’s report. We have just shy of $2,600 in the bank; the Christmas Party & Auction generated a total of $2,300 including membership renewals; and we were able to contribute $1,000 to our chosen charity, Feeding America West Michigan.

Bob and Rose Bonga hosted us on January 15 at Jaden James Brewery - we had 16 attendees, a good turn-out (see list below) - and generously stayed open beyond their normal hours. Their Belgian Witbier and Peanut Butter Porter were both popular, and a new Salted Caramel Russian Stout was delicious! Bob has expanded their home brew supply store, so stop by if you need something.

This month we were challenged to brew a ‘Sahti’, an historical beer originating in Finland in the late 1400s by some accounts. Traditional versions were of “formidable strength”, served “raw”, i.e. un-boiled, so on the chewy side since proteins weren’t precipitated, typically un-hopped, so malty/sweet, and consumed young/unpasteurized! Our seven entries and one ‘ringer ‘ from Barrel & Beam covered an impressive range of approaches from authentic to more modern, mostly using Pilsner malt and rye, including toasted, with step mashes from some, juniper or spruce tips in the mash tun, juniper berries in the kettle, and varied carbonation levels. The discussion of different methods went down well and we may build on that in future meetings.

Judging was done as a ‘beauty pageant’, with everyone voting for their top three. The ‘ringer’ from B&B tied with Matt Mead for 3rd, Bill Smith claimed 2nd, and Ian Purvis snuck into 1st.

Greg Sanial is our defending 'Brewer Of The Year’, see photo below with plaque and trophy (and Mies & Jeremy); let’s get after him!

January meeting attendees were: Jeremy Gavin, Mies Martin, Greg Sanial*, Ian Purvis*, Bill Smith*, Rick Kruse*, Chad Banks*, Matt Mead*, Frank Zamarripa*, Rich Gretz, Kevin Funk, Eric Smead, Ben Price, Paul Fitzgerald, Larry Simondson (* indicates entrant)


Our next “Thursty Thirsday” (auto-correct hates this), is Feb 2, 6:00 pm at Long Road Distillers. Being on time gets you your first drink on the club; what a deal!

Our next regular meeting is Feb 15, at Bier Distillery & Brewery. Joel Bierling has an excellent ‘Dutch Kitchen’ so plan to eat there! It’s 6:00 pm for the competition, with a new 6:15 pm cut-off for entries, and 7:00 pm for the general meeting.

Future events are being worked out and the calendar on the PTB website will be updated.


On that point, clearly not everyone goes to the PTB website (, though it’s our most comprehensive source of information, or uses Facebook (either the general PrimeTime Brewers or private PTB Members pages), so we’re looking to make more direct contact with members, particularly to provide a heads up on forthcoming events, outside competitions etc. That said, we’re not giving up on the website - we want to improve the look and content - and social media, so if anyone has skills in these areas and is able to help, PLEASE step up.

We will re-establish the Steering Committee and we want input from members on anything you think we could do better or differently, suggestions for guest speakers, a bus trip, locations to visit for our meetings, articles for the newsletter, etc. Write to me,, or to the club e-mail,


Ian Purvis, President Elect



Michigan Brewers Guild, 17th Annual Winter Beer Festival

Sat 2/25/23, 1:00-6:00pm at LMCU Ballpark. If you’re only going to attend one beer festival this has to be it! We’ll be flying the PTB flag. Tickets are still available, $60 via the MBG website and Eventbrite.

Kent District Library HomeBrew Competition (KDaLe)

Home brewed ale. Winners get to brew at Gravel Bottom, Railtown, Pike 51 or Horrocks Market. Entry deadline Jan 27, drop-off by Feb 28.

2023 Winemaker International Amateur Wine Competition

Mead, Cider & Perry categories. Entry deadline March 17.

American Homebrewers Association, National Homebrew Competition

Registration opens Jan 24.

GLINTCAP 2023. Great Lakes International Cider & Perry Competition.

May 17-19 in Grand Rapids. Entry registration will open in February.

Sorry I struggled to get the photos inserted in the right place! IDCP

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