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Summer Doldrums

For me it is often a struggle,

To come up with things to scribble.

When the month begins,

and is time for the Chickens,

Chad must often chase me for some babble.

I will try not to disappoint,

And keep things to the point.

We have some news,

and interesting views,

perhaps some may even be fit to print.

At the next meeting, want to know what’s doing?

Bring your beer that pairs with a dish worth chewing.

We’ll meet with our Fouch,

His new place has a couch.

Follow 28th street to Thornapple Brewing.

Listen up and pay attention!

I know this is not new mention.

The Michigan Home Brew Fest

Is really the best,

For a place to release your tension.

It happens the 15th and 16th of August,

I guarantee the drive will not be a bust.

The party is a blast,

But if you enjoy it too fast,

Staying and camping is really a must.

The club will bring the tarp and taps.

Slapstick golf is the theme for your chaps.

Don’t be lame.

Make everyone exclaim,

“Primetime really is better than those other saps”

We have many things happening for you to engage.

All are welcome as long as they are of age.

Often on Facebook

is a good place to look.

Or, as always, it is on the webpage.--DT

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